
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Just like riding a bike really!

None today, it is my rest day

Now that I have a car that is big enough for more than me and a passenger the bikes finally got a look in after almost 3 years in the shed! I used to keep fit by riding to work every day when I lived in Kew, it was only about 12Km each way but it kept the podge off. But when I moved to Blackburn I became far less active and next thing I knew I was the not so proud owner of 16 unwanted extra kilo's.

So earlier this week the bikes were dragged out of the shed, a bike rack was purchased, tyres pumped up and bikes generally checked over, surprisingly there were no punctures. I decided to take us to the Warby Trail I have run it enough times but I really wanted to take the bike there and go out in the opposite direction to the normal running route and see more of the track.

The weather could not have been more perfect and we headed out from Wandin Station towards Warby, we kept going until about 4 Kms past Worri Station and stopped for a spot of lunch. Nothing fancy just some good fresh bread with cheese and tomato, simple but yum. Then it was back on the bikes to head back to Wandin. It was only about a 2 hour ride at a pretty leisurely pace, not even remotely taxing from a cardio point of view, in fact I would barely even call it active recovery, I doubt my heart rate went up more than 55%. I will have to buy one of those padded gel seat thingies to go over the normal bike seat, seems that I have far less padding in the bum region these days and was most grateful for the down hill sections so I could stand up on the pedals.

I'll have to psych the other half up for an assault on the Wandin to Warby and back again stretch, I might try and tackle that one Sunday in lieu of a long run during my "off" season (January), it will be about a 55Km return journey.

But for now running still reigns and I have 22km long run planned for tomorrow, hopefully with a running buddy.


Blogger Jaykay said...

Em I'd love to do the 55km ride with you, and I'm sure that Michelle would come along too.


Blogger Jaykay said...

Oh yeah, I was quick to get me one of those Gel seats after my first ride!!



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