
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I was not sure how honest I wanted to be here, but denial won't make it better. A 22Km run was planned for today and I met Tony at the Koonung Trail at 730 this morning. The pace was quicker than my long run pace should be but I was still comfortable and I could easily talk. I told Tony that I was happy for a quick first half but would prefer a slower trip back.

All was going well until about 12Km in when I had a dull pain on the top of my foot. I pushed through because I often have mild pain in my right foot, since I was about 14 when I did some ligament damage as a result of having a heavy bench dropped on the top of my foot. This incident resulted in some bad swelling and bruising and time on crutches (resulting in the nickname hopalong carrot, I have red hair, very amusing) but no broken bones.

Anyway, we got to about the 16Km mark and I had to pull up because the pain suddenly became quite sharp and it takes alot to stop me! We walked close to another Km then I tried to run again, no good and I pulled up again at the 17Km mark.

Right now I am very unhappy and just wanna type a whole string of bad words to describe exactly how I feel right now. I have my feet up and have been icing every 20 minutes. Not sure if the icing is really going to be doing any good though because there is no swelling and there is no pain if I manipulate my foot with my hands. Anyway, there are two little words lurking in the back of my mind right now and I don't want to say them out loud, let alone type them. Right now I just don't know what to do, perhaps waiting until tomorrow before I start to panic is a good option.

The 17 Kms I did manage was pretty good though, 1:29:13, an average pace of 5:17.

Am I allowed to have a little cry??

Big thanks to Tony too who would not let me walk out the rest of the course, instead I waited at the bus shelter on Station Road while Tony ran back then collected me in the car to drive me back to my car, chivalry is not dead.

Post Script - it is about 21:05 and have taken it easy most of the day and iced the foot quite a bit. No pain when walking or weight bearing and no tender spots at all (trust me I have been doing a bit of prodding). Maybe I am starting to become a paranoid runner??!! I will see how things are tomorrow afternoon.


Blogger Jaykay said...

Oh Em, that's awful. I really hope that your foot recovers quickly.


Blogger Ruune said...

That sucks Em. Hope that it is just one of those things and you are back on track later this week.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

Keep smiling Em and I hope all is fine!



Blogger Spark Driver said...

If it helps let the bad words fly. We are all adults here (I think??).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm with you Em, you're paranoid. I've just read you latest update, that it appears to be on the mend.

You've done all the hard work and now is the time to reduce the mileage and days, maybe this is a blessing in disguise.


Blogger Unknown said...

Oh Em, so sorry to hear about your foot. Yes, you are allowed to cry, lol!
I hope the foot sorts itself out and you don't have any further setbacks :)


Blogger MorseyRuns said...

Em, hope it gets better- and soon- even just so your mind can rest as well. Sara


Blogger Vicky said...

Gulp! Thats terrible Em...

Of course it could just be a one-off - caused by terrain or whatever - and be gone by next run, like the archilles scare...

I certainly hope so and am crossing everything for you.

Keep us posted. MAR.



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