
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

6 by 500 meters

Speed work tonight, 6 by 500 metres with 2 minute recovery between sets. Why 500 meters you ask? Because the funny little 2 lane track we train on next to Olympic Park is about 500 meters long, just to make it interesting.

First really warm running night since the start of the year really, 27 degrees when we got started. But is soon "dropped" to about 19 degrees and came accompanied by a rather stiff wind. After a slow first rep and despite the wind I was pretty happy with my splits tonite (yes, finally managed to take some split times)
1:59 (thanks to a pacer who made it look all too easy but pushed me to a good quick rep despite the headwind)

It was great to have some of the boys who had finished their 6 by 1000 mtre session join us for our last set. I don't know how the others feel but that sort of thing always helps me find that little bit extra, even when my legs are burning and my lungs are bursting. Though at the time I want to kill the buggers for making it look easy when I am pushing 100%.

A bit of shoe lace trickery courtesy of TC made the world of difference to my right shoe, felt a bit odd at first but it took off the pressure I usually feel over the bridge of my foot, so I'll give it go on my Brooks as well. Now the less said about my "oh my god I have a stress fracture" episode the better really. Sheesh, since when did I become so hysterical, I am normally so level headed it is almost tedious! Obviously displaying my now typical, 3 weeks before a big race diva behavior.


Blogger Chris said...

I'm a little way off joining the speed sessions yet. My fitness isn't at a level where I need to work on speed, I need to get a few more miles in my legs yet!

Sounds like you are really on fire for the half, I'm still working on a plan where I can get back in time to see the HM'ers finish and provide some supprt for the fullers.


Blogger Vicky said...

Great stuff Em, nice and consistant and then being able to do the final lap faster than the rest shows real determination and staying power! Like you, I thrive on a bit of friendly competition.



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