
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

What The!!!

16Km in 1:19:23, an average pace of 4:57. Yes, you are reading that correctly! I eased in the first 3 Km then found myself running quite comfortably in spite of last nights session, so I decided to do as I did 3 weeks before the last half marathon and have a go at race pace over a longer run. From the 4th Km onwards 11kms worth were at sub 5:00 pace
(4) 4:59
(5) 5:10
(6) 4:58
(7) 4:55
(8) 4:48
(9) 4:50
(10) 4:58
(11) 4:52
(12) 4:44
(13) 5:04
(14) 4:44
(15) 4:43
(16) 4:44

I am still mulling over my plan of attack but I am hoping to hit between 4:50 and 5:00 minute Kms on the day.

7, or is it 8 weeks worth of Tuesday night sessions has paid dividends, particularly with the improvement in my form. I think my ability to get out there and run that little bit faster is down to the fact that my stride/form is starting to get better. You certainly do move along quicker with less perceived effort when your form is good (no shit! I hear some of you say, but it is not as simple as just saying, "oh I am going to run this way now", it takes time and the right advice to make the change). Don't get me wrong, today was not what I would call easy but it was not particularly difficult either.

Anyway, after a quick start to the week I will ease off the pace for the next few runs, also I have ASICS study testing again on Friday afternoon so will have to squeeze in a morning run.

Oh yeah, something odd happened around the 10Km mark, my right leg fell off, don't worry I stuck it back on and kept going, I am sure I'll be right as rain tomorrow :-)


Blogger Rice said...

thats a great run!




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you're well and truly ready for the half-marathon in 2 and a bit weeks.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Geez Em, I haven't been able to catch up on blogs for a little while and when I do get back I find you motoring along! I think you are going to have an awesome day come race day :-)


Blogger Vicky said...

Em, this post really does not surprise me! I think you are more than capable of this and then some on race day, quite a bit more in fact... and for the entire distance. Once you get into that groove, its not so hard to just keep going. Its a bit like how the first 5kms of a longer run can feel difficult, but once you get beyond that it feels easier. If you never went beyond that, you'd never know that it does get better. I think its the same with pace (within reason) if that makes any sense at all....?


Blogger Jaykay said...

I can see you're going to be at the front of the queue for massages after the 1/2, rather than way down the back like us mere mortals!!

Great effort!


Blogger Ewen said...

You're right Em. Good form lets you run faster for the same energy output. Well done.



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