
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, November 20, 2006

Hot enough fer ya?

10km in 55:54, average pace 5:34. Cut me some slack though, it was 34 degrees this afternoon. No real point commenting further, it was a slog, it was hot, there was much sweat, I did not look good, but that's another 10kms ticked off.

You may remember a few months ago I posted about a day I spent with the kiddies as part of napcan's Child Protection Week. As a reminder NAPCAN stands for the National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. We support a lot of charities at work, helped by the fact that my company matches every dollar we raise. But the charity that tops out list is NAPCAN because they receive so little government money and run their operations on a shoe string. The Executive Officer, Adam was interviewed on 60 minutes last night and dropped into our office today. What was supposed to be a quick visit ended up being an hour and a half because Adam was so engaging and enthusiastic. Even more interesting was the fact that those of us who made the time to talk with Adam and hear what he had to say do not have any kids. It is amazing how much NAPCAN manage to do with so little, can you believe this, for every $1 that is spent on the prevention of child abuse and neglect the government spends $300 on caring for Kids after the fact. That's right, shutting the gate after the horse has bolted!

There is a pretty powerful add on at the moment, but it is hard to catch because they are relying on donated add time. The add itself was put together by DDB at no charge to NAPCAN. Here is the add if you are interested in seeing it. More importantly if you want to donate any money to NAPCAN you can go to www.childfriendly.org.au all donations are tax deductible. So that is my community service announcement for the day, having met several of their staff and volunteers over the years I can say these guys do a fantastic job and they truly believe in what they do.


Blogger Vicky said...

Gee thats one hell of a powerful advert Em... and so true.

Can't believe the way your weathers fluctuating!! Ours is bad, but not that extreme! In saying that, I'd be rapt with anything above 25deg C right now!

But running in it must be tough - I don't do well running in the heat at all.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ran into your friend Buster (almost literally) at the tan last thursday. I'm not sure I feel the same level of attraction as you, but hey, each to their own.



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