
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Ughh, minor injury alert

Session last night was in Fawker Park, 8 by 300 mtre with 300 mtre float. I don't mind the continuous session because it keeps the momentum going. The track was probably about 300 mtres and my splits were pretty good. I also popped off the track at fast rep 5 for some water because it was a hot dry night and I was parched. I muffed up taking the splits a bit but the fast sets started around 61, held at about 58 and finished with a 55.

Now, no running today, SHOCK! HORROR!, why? You all know by now how I hate to admit a weakness......but I pulled up sore in the arch/heel of my right foot last night. That is part of the reason I didn't blog last night, after shuffling back to Fed Square and driving home I was in a foul mood. It took me 25 minutes to get from Fawkner to my car, was not happy. Anyway, it's my own fault, I think I should have retired my current pair of Brooks about 50Km ago. Trying them on tonight and comparing the feel to a new pair the support is well and truly shot. So Monday night was their last run, IF I ever do any gardening they will be gardening shoes.

So attempting to be sensible I didn't even think of doing my 14Km run tonight, didn't even bring the gear so I wouldn't be tempted. Instead opted for 60 minutes on the exercise bike, B O R I N G and very hard on my bum. Still, 26.5 Kms and I used the interval program to help keep the heart rate up and was better than doing nothing. I have been icing and applying the anti inflammatory cream all day, hopefully it will come good by tomorrow. I won't whinge, just found out today one of the Ausrunners has a stressie and is taking it remarkably well, I would feel guilty if I started sooking about maybe missing a couple of runs.

My real Mo Bro
I have obtained a couple of default Mo Bro's this month who have all gotten the lip fuzz going in the name of charity. But I would like to take the opportunity to unleash my real Mo Bro on blogland. Looking very much like a dodgy 70s vacuum cleaner salesman this is my baby bro in his mustachioed glory, as he said to me, I can't run a Marathon, but I can grow a Mo for charity. People are always commenting how much we look alike, I have to agree, though I don't have a Mo and I am a wee bit prettier :-)

With plenty of time to think while peddling away this afternoon I realised something, I am hungry, really hungry. And not for a meal (well, that goes without saying really), but for my running goals. I can't wait to run for AV next year and I am so excited about getting stuck in and trying to get some good times on the road in the coming 12 months. I WILL run a sub 21 minute 5km, I WILL run a sub 45 minute 10km and I WILL run a sub 100 minute half marathon, I WILL do what it takes. Woo Hoo, Fire in the Belly :-)


Blogger Vicky said...

WOW, a very mixed post!

Good stuff first - I have no doubt that you will achieve all those results and more Em. It doesn't happen overnight, but with your determination and hard work, it WILL happen - as I've said before. Fire indeed!

Bad stuff - the foot. You're right to rest it and do everything else you can to get it better quickly. I don't like to pop pills or run to the physio at every little tweak, but at the same time, believe we should use all sources to aid/speed recovery, so end up doing whatever it takes. Hope it gets better real quick.

Your bro - can definately see the resemblance! Cool!



Blogger Ruune said...

Man talk about motivated. I am really looking forward to you achieving all of your goals and will be waiting to see how well it goes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On your level of training, I have no doubt whatsoever you'll reach all those goals. Just stay healthy...

And avoid gardening like the plague. I always manage to injure myself doing the gardening. If god had meant us to garden, he/she wouldn't have invented concrete.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

On your level of training, I have no doubt whatsoever you'll reach all those goals. Just stay healthy...

And avoid gardening like the plague. I always manage to injure myself doing the gardening. If god had meant us to garden, he/she wouldn't have invented concrete.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go for those goals Em! It's exciting and motivating to see others excited and motivated!! Keep it up (but fix that foot first)!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Em, I enjoyed the HVT session and definitely will be returning, so you look after that foot 'cos I don't want to be a Neville No Mates!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing like an hour on the bike to get you all fired up for running again!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where in Fawkner Park is the track? I must be blind not seeing it.

So to hear about your injury, hey s... happens.


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