
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, March 31, 2006

10 Km today - 35.3 Km for the week

Had a shit hot run this morning (though more adventures as the lights went off around The Tan too early again). Decided against the 1Km splits at race pace and instead just decided to lift the pace overall to about 30 seconds off race pace with some bursts at race pace. All up ended the 10Ks with an average of just over 5min Ks. Felt great at the end and did the distance in about 51minutes. Finished the month at about 235 Ks overall, first month over 200, Yesssss and am on track for about 65 Ks this week. I can see now why the Elites really have to make a career out of being an Athlete, as the weekly Ks creep up I find that I need more sleep. Every weekend involves a nanna nap or 2 and I am zonked by about 22:00. I can just imagine the amount of Z's those guys and gals clocking up 150 Ks or more a week need!! Enough running chat for today. Band of the Week The woman I sit next to is on leave at the moment, so that means I get to listen to the radio all day. One of the feature records on the J's this week is the Yeah Yeah Yeah's. I have heard them before but the new one kicks butt, will have to see if I can get it off Itunes. Song of the Week Ok, so it is not especially new but I am loving "Lovers and Sinners" (Dallas Crane) and "One Crowded Hour" (Augie March)


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