
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Thursday, March 23, 2006

11 Km today - 19 Km for the week

11 Km today, which included 2 laps around The Tan. Forgot my watch this morning so I had to go without the footpod and HRM, felt weird because they are so much a part of me now. I know that the purists will say that I should go without and rely on what my body tells me, but I am addicted to my techo gadgets. I just love knowing exactly how far I have run. Anyway, I was out for about 55-60 minutes and I felt really good. I am feeling a bit sluggish with the reduction in mileage this week (especially as I am just as hungry as every, but scales have shown no change so can't complain) but I will be glad when I have fresh legs on Sunday. Bit nervous about the 10Km, I am not putting to much pressure on myself apart from aiming for an under 50 minute time. Not sure how I should attack the course but as I keep saying I will use it as a tester and I will develop a technique over time I am sure. Just keep thinking about the pancakes at the end, what a stroke of genius that is :-), so easily pleased am I.


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