
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Thursday, March 30, 2006

11.3 Km today - 25.3 Km for the week

Kept it slow today, just over 11Km in 60 minutes, including 2 laps of The Tan. The curators at the Botanical Gardens seem to have forgotten that daylight savings was extended by a week, every morning this week the lights on the Birdswood Ave side have gone off at about 07:00, but it is still very dark at the time so part of my run this morning consisted of trying to keep a steady pace and not trip over tree roots etc. I will up the pace a bit tomorrow, probably about 10Km but I will do some 1 Km intervals at race pace, maybe just 2 or 3. The football season starts tonight, oh dear, I live with a Tigers supporter so I am bracing myself, another 8 months on the roller coaster :-) I was having a think about my running goals today, and what it is that motivates me out of bed at 05:00 most weekdays and not much later on the weekends. It seems that a spark has just gone on inside me and I have found something I really enjoy, I don't even have to talk myself into getting out there most days, if I could bottle it I would make a fortune. Some of my friends and co-workers say things like, "Oh, you're so good, I wish I had your motivation", or "how do you do it." or the less flattering "You Psycho". But truly, I am nothing special, the only secret I have is that I stopped making excuses, it really is that simple. I wish people would stop calling me a Psycho though..........


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