
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Race Day!

Here is my race report - remember kind readers, that while I have been building a fitness base for 2 years I have only been seriously running since January this year, prior to that I was doing only 40Km a week at the most on a treadmill. I have just recently worked up to 60Km weeks, with all the running done outdoors (these feet have not touched a treadmill in 3 months) Finish time was 50:45 or thereabouts, will have to confirm when it is posted on the race site. I was definitely under 51 minutes though. So I can very close to my goal. I was running quite strong up until the 8Km mark, all splits except 7Km were under goal pace. But coming off an incline at close to the 8Km mark I felt really nauseous, I didn't vomit but I had to stop and catch my breath. I think I stopped for about 40 seconds and was able to push on again. Then about 500 meters from the finish I had another turn but only needed to stop for about 20 seconds and then just ran through it to the end. So If not for the "chuck" breaks I probably would have finished in my goal time. Some positives from today were that I PB'd on both my 5Km time and my 8Km time (about 24:48 and 39 something respectively, remember was feeling pretty bad at 8km) Here are my takeaways from today -
  • No eating fruit before a race EVER, this probably contributed to the nausea. In future it will be dry toast and maybe a cup of tea or water.
  • I will be incorporating weekly speed sessions into my training to help me improve my stride and efficiency. This is not the first time that someone has commented to me that I run flat footed, maybe a bad habit from the treadmill days??
  • I need to do something about the race anxiety, I was almost having panic attacks out there, I mean for god sake, it is not sheep stations, what on earth do I have to be nervous about. This is weird behavior, hopefully it will go away as I gain experience. It effected my breathing and probably contributed to the nausea as well.
  • Get rid of that negative voice in my head that kept telling me that I was going to fail and that I can't do this, banish that nasty little demon, grrrrrr!!!!!
  • Most importantly keep getting out there every morning and keep enjoying myself.

I will certainly be back for more and I remain focused and confident that I can do the half Mara in July and the full in October.

Drum roll please, I will also now set myself a 10Km goal of 45 minutes. Give me a few more goes at it and I will be in a position to put a time frame on this :-)

Finally a big huge massive thanks to Rogo who paced me though the distance, kept my spirits up when I felt like shit and gave me heaps of great advice along the way and at the end. I can honestly say that without his help I would not have finished in the time that I did.

Thanks to all the other Ausrunners to for your cheers as we passed on the course.

Oh, there where quite a few camera's on the course so I am prepared for a very dodgy photo to turn up on the race site at some stage.

Just though I would add my splits for today as supplied by my most excellent pacer -


1 5.12

2 4.57 10.09

3 4.51 15.01

4 4.52 19.53

5 4.54 24.47

6 4.55 29.42

7 5.05 34.48

8 5.11 40.00

9 5.38 45.38

10 5.07 50.45


Blogger Sekhmet said...

I think you did great Em :)

I hope I can do nearly as well as you at the R4K...... I'll be sure to only have toast for brekkie and not fruit! Who's have thought it wouls have such an adverse effect on your tummy? Have you ever eaten fruit before your long runs?


Blogger Em said...

I usually have just a banana, but the only ones on sale yesterday were manky and I think they will be hard to come by in the coming months after the cyclone. So I had an apple instead, looks to have been a bad move, so never again.

You will be fine with the R4K, just remember if you need to you can walk. A good strategy to try is maybe walking though the water stations and getting a good drink.

Hope to see you there in 2 weeks.


Blogger Em said...

Phew - thanks, glad to hear I am not the only one who gets a bit funny before a race :-)


Blogger Stu Mac said...

Em, last year I had stomach issues and one of the first things the natropath suggested was to reduce my intake of apples and never before a run, they are big digestive movers....as I suggested on the forum, try porridge, but of course in training first.

Your splits look good, excluding the closing stages of course, your first km is excellent, a great way to start and one you should try and teach TigerBoy. I reckon the nerves and the talk were probably a big thing, but nothing to worry about.

See you on the roads!




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