
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, March 27, 2006

The Day After, 5Km easy today

Whoa, the legs are a bit sore today, particularly my hamstrings. Haven't felt like this since I started running, I definitely gave it my all yesterday. Just an easy 5Km today with the R4K training group, joined the 5Km slow group but I ended up pulling away from them pretty quickly and just settled into a nice easy 5:30 pace and cruised back to Nike on my own. Yes, I probably should have rested, Yes, I know I was bad, but it did feel good just to turn the legs over. I shall most definitely not run tomorrow morning, in fact I am looking forward to the "sleep in", that is, I get up at 05:30 instead of 05:00, what luxury!!!! This week I am going to focus on positive thinking and getting rid of that self defeatist chatter that was plaguing me yesterday. Right now though, very tired, there is an old Clint Eastwood on Foxtel so it is soup, toast and a movie night. No doubt I will fall alseep by 21:30 :-)


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