
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Sunday, April 16, 2006

10 Km today - weekly total 58.2 Km

10 Km today to round out the week to just over 58 Km. I was feeling a bit tender after yesterday afternoon but I held off until about 15:30 before heading out for a run. I took it easy and kept to a nice 5:30 pace. I am looking forward to my rest day tomorrow though, I think I have earned it this week. I met mum for a coffee and a quick bite to eat which got me moving for the afternoon, so after that I was quite happy to head out for a run. Mum gave me a choccie Lindt bunny for easter, it is quite cute, even at 32 my Mum still gives me something every easter, then again she still introduces me to people as her "baby girl" even though I am the oldest! Looking forward to the Comedy Festival tonight, I really love long weekends, nothing like a sleep in on a Monday.


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