
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, April 10, 2006

A bit over 6K - 1st run for the week

I just did an easy 6 and bit Ks today after work, up to the tan from the office in Collins St, once around and back to the office. And I mean an easy 6 and bit, the pace was about 5:40 which felt like walking, but I need to learn to stick to training paces rather than having just 2 paces, Stopping and Going! Tomorrow will be a no running day and I will be starting Pilates, so of course I needed to buy a new pair of leggings today :-) I printed a Half Marathon training plan today from www.runnersworld.com, had to do a bit of work to convert all the distances and pacing from miles to Kms, but it looks like a good solid plan. So the serious training starts next Monday, no more mucking about, eeeek, I will be clocking some good distance in the next 11 weeks, I am both excited and nervous, but mainly excited about the challenge, I love having something to focus my energy on. Another milestone reached - this week represents 2 years since I started on this journey. A very sad little (well not so little really) Em walks into Fernwood and says, "Help". I was not sure if I would stick with it and still look back to the early days. Almost crying when I was weighed and had BF% taken for the first time, 3 days a week, 45 minute walks on the treadmill, strength training, my first spin class. Then 4 days a week, the first time I could run for 5 minutes flat, 5 days a week, the first 5K run, the first 5Kgs lost, the odd dark moment where I thought screw it this is too much trouble. Then bidding a fond fairwell to the gym and hitting the roads and setting some scary goals for myself. Now 2 years later, 15 Kg lighter, 14% less body fat and aiming for the first half and full marathon this year. Talk about a whole new lease on life, I shudder to think the state I would be in if I had not stopped making excuses. So this is my "Happy Anniversary" to me :-)


Blogger Em said...

Thanks schtumpy - as I posted today, you are my hero, I will certainly bore you all senseless with my prep for the MM & will be picking your brain, especially after you ran so well.



Blogger Sekhmet said...

Em, you are an inspiration! I hope that I can improve as quickly as you have - it's awesome :)

Congrats on coming so far ;)

B xox


Blogger Jaykay said...

Happy Anniversay Em!

What a great journey so far.... you're very inspriring!

See ya Saturday



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