
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

No Running - Pilates!

A well earned rest day, I will admit that I was feeling a bit or soreness in the legs today so it was nice to have a day off running. I had my introductory Pilates session during my lunch break today. So far I am very impressed, it is clearly going to take some dedication and persistance on my part to get it right, but luckily I am stubborn about getting things right. The instructor was lovely, she is a remedial physiotherapist so she really knew her stuff, she could tell just by watching me walk towards her what my issues were. Apparently I have quite well developed muscles in my lower back down into my glutes, but not so strong though the Abs and the core to compensate, so this explains my "scoped" lower back and "ducks" bum (you know, bum sticks out like a waddling duck!). Also the outer muscles on my thighs are much stronger than the inner - it has been a while since year 11 PE so I can't remember the correct names so I won't embarrass myself my trying. She taught me the basics that I need to start Mat Work which I can do for about a month before giving the reformer a go. I learned how to breath properly and how to engage all the core muscles before executing a movement. It was amazing how much concentration it involved just to get the smallest movement correct, like extending your leg using the core to control the movement, rather than arching my back and using the hips. I was surprised that I managed to get a bit of a sweat going by the end. The instructor also told me that after a couple of months I will notice improvements in my running style and that it will also do wonders for my breathing. I am aware that my breathing is quite shallow and I think this is what is bringing me down in the closing stages of a race as I start to become anxious. It was really relaxing laying there breathing deeply and correctly, I have been told to practice this at night before bed, it will probably help me get to sleep as well. So all up, very impressed and looking forward to mastering the technique and noticing the changes. On a totally vain and shallow side after a few months of this I will probably be happier about wearing the Bikini on the beach up north in June - now I don't think I look too shabby now, but some of those Qld beach babes can certainly shatter the confidence, eeeeek, I shall have to break out the fake tan though, somehow I don't think the freckles are going to join up after all ;-) Finally, as my fitness anniversary snuck up on me I didn't get a chance to celebrate last night, so tonight I had one of my favorite treats for dinner, Spanikopita, yumm, filo, spinach, feta cheese, now picture me drooling like Homer!


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