
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Run for the Kids - 14.7 Km

Had a great race today, finished in almost exactly 75 minutes. This is the longest distance I have raced so far. I had a conservative goal of 80 minutes so I am totally stoked with my time. There were no timers on the finish line so I didn't check my watch until I was thru the chute and out the other side, I was by myself but I still did a little happy dance when I saw 75 minutes on my watch. I won't post my split times because the footpod on my polar was about 600 metres over by the end and I was using autolap at 1K intervals. Regardless of that though they were all good even splits so I am happy to see that I had good disciplined pacing. I was planning on kicking it up at 14Km but I misread the marker and actually stepped up the pace about 1K from the finish. Not a good idea and I almost blew it. The heaving started again about 500m from the end and this time I am confident that it was not related to what I ate. I had 2 weet-bix with sustegen milk at 06:00, I really believe that it is down to nerves and effort. I see the finish line and I just lose it & it almost feels like a panic attack, as soon as I cross the line I am OK again. Perhaps after I have done Pilates for a month or so I might gain better control of my breathing, I really hope so because I don't want this happening every time, it is the one thing that let's me down. On the upside I did not stop this time, I just ran through it (as if i was going to stop in front of all those spectators!) and am embarrassed to admit that I crossed the finish line with a few tears because I knew I had run a pretty good one. Also I was pleased to note that I was overtaking a few runners in club colours as well, so I really think I will look into signing up somewhere next year, probably Box Hill as it is closest to home. The only bum note was the reaction when I called home afterwards, I was in such a good mood about my time and the response was, "75 minutes, well it is 1:30 now, were have you been? we are out of coffee", Not "Hey good job well done" Who cares, my Ausrunner buddies were happy to hear how I went. On that note, it looks like everyone had a great run too. JK and MD come over the line together only about 5 minutes after me. 'Potamus and Beki finished together and were both very pleased with their times, they should both be very proud of themselves as I think it was their first time at the distance. Clarkey, Stu and TB all had great runs in under 63 minutes, which I think is just awesome. Eat 'em also finished in an excellent 66 minutes. Not sure about CJ but I was eating his dust after I caught him briefly at the 10 K mark so I am sure he finished well. I hope I have covered everyone here, well done to all :-) Finally, don't have a report yet but I hope Schtumpy ran a blinder in the Canberra Marathon today, I was certainly sending him good vibes. The schdule for the next 2 months will be the Mothers Day Classic (8K) and another Sri Chinmoy 10K on 28 May. Then the big one the Gold Coast half and I am starting to think I may have to revise down my goal of 120 minutes, but I won't get too ahead of myself. I won't race anything over 10K until after the GC half, I don't want to distract my focus from trying to achieve a great time there with my brother and sister the cheer for me.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Yay! Great stuff Em - I can't wait to get somewhere close to your times :) We were all proud of you and yes, that was the furthest I've ever ran! lol, looking forward to the Mother's Day classic next month, esp if MD gets us those bunny ears to wear!!!!


Blogger Em said...

I am pretty keen on wearing a bunny tail too ;-)


Blogger Jaykay said...

Great race Em....you're definitely going to achieve your goals in no time!



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