
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Today, 10.7 Km - this week 23.9 Km

A very lazy 10.7 Km today, 2 laps around the usual spot, took 56 minutes. Feeling very depleted at the moment, lightheaded and no energy and very tired. But, I survived my first morning below 10 degrees (it was 8), and it was not too bad. Not looking forwad to the first cold and wet morning, or worse, the triple treat of cold, wind and rain, ughhh, will cross that bridge when I get to it. What doesn't kill me will make me stronger, blah blah blah..... I did a quick assessment of intake for the last couple of days and had a good look at my typical diet and I don't think I have compensated for my increase in mileage with an increased intake of Kjs. Shock horror, I never thought the day would come when I did not eat enough! Based on my approximate BMR (obtained from a website calculator, therefore probably not too accurate) and my average daily activity from running and the fact that I walk alot I should be taking in about 9000 Kj. I am probably falling short by 1000 to 2000 a day and it has started to catch up. I have lost almost 3 Kg in the last 5 weeks, yikes. Now no one is going to accuse me of being too thin and I do want to drop some body fat, but slowly is the key. Also it is no use if I feel like crap and can't do quality workouts. I was very bad on Sunday and did not refuel properly after the 24 Kms, I didn't eat a proper meal until dinner time. Problems - I can't eat too much in one sitting I can't eat a high carb lunch because I will want to nap in the afternoon I can't be stuffed cooking a proper dinner at night and I also don't feel very hungry in the evenings Solutions I need to be more organised and have more healthy snacks on hand and break the daily intake into smaller meals. Can't do much about not having a high carb lunch, but a roll to have with my usual lunch of tuna salad or veggie soup should help I have bought a tin of Sustegen powder. 2 serves of that a day with milk will boost the protein and give me most of the iron and Vit B I need. The 2 Weet-bix I eat before the morning run will take care of the rest. Refuel properly after a workout, especially the long run. I have been thinking about visiting a nutritionist so I may still do that. I have found one at a Sports Medicine clinic in the city that is reasonably priced. I must look after myself better, otherwise I will get colds all winter as well, and that is the last thing I need, I am usually the only person in the office that does not get sick.


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