
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Thursday, April 20, 2006

10.1 Km today - 26.7 Km this week - Bit of a turning point today

Today's plan was for a 10Km run as follows: 1.5 Km warm up at 5:45 pace 6.5 Km at 5:10 pace 2 Km cool down at 5:45 pace What happened 1.5 Km warm up at 5:25 pace 6.5 Km at roughly 5:00 pace (twice up Anderson St sapped some time) 2 Km cool down at 5:10 pace (was cruising comfortably and was having trouble slowing down, naughty!!!) All up 10.1 Km in 52:25 It was a great run tonight, the weather was looking a bit grim but that was not stopping me, there was some light rain which soon went away and it turned into perfect conditions for a run. I have now run along the Yarra on warm summer mornings and cool Autumn evenings and it is just as beautiful either way. Now for the best part, Tiger Boy and Rogo you will both be very pleased with me. I decided to concentrate on my form and stride today. I always feel like I am working twice as hard as everyone else, people are always over taking me but look like they are barely working. So today I lengthened my stride and before I knew it I was hitting a 4:50 pace (hey that is good for me!) but felt completely relaxed and in control. It was like all of a sudden today everything just fell into place and I felt more graceful, though I probably looked as unco as ever ;-) I have to make sure I have something to eat in the car though, it took me almost an hour to get home tonight and I was absolutely starving all the way. Oh and something weird happened today when I was walking to my car to stash my stuff before the run, I saw a flash and looked around and someone had just taken my photo, Damn paparazzi, always mistaking me for Nicole Kidman, LOL. Still was a bit odd, I will probably turn up in some art students photography project.


Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds like a great run Em! Perhaps
that little venture down to Croydon
on Tuesday has given you the need for
speed! Like you i'm really getting a
kick outta my running at the moment.



Blogger Jaykay said...

Wow, 4.50 pace, fantastic!...we're not going to see you for dust at the next race!!



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