
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Some speed work and a 5Km track run

Headed out for a 10Km this morning, lasted 50m and I couldn't go on, this has never happened before, the legs felt like lead. So I turned around and had a shower and started work early. I put it down to a bad night sleep (was a windy night and the windows were rattling) and 3 intense days, that is, a long run in the hills, a quick 10K and a long hilly bushwalk on Monday. Due to the early start I was able to nick off at about 4 which made for an easy drive home. Then it was off to the Croydon Aths track to do some runs with the masters, many of whom completely kicked my butt :-). Met up with Rogo and Tiger Boy and did a bit of a warm up and a few 100 metre pick ups and then I did an 800M run, which confirmed my resolve that I am not a sprinter. Give me 10,000 M over 100 anyday of the week. Then there was a 5000m, it was really weird running a track, I was worried I would lose count. Just took it as a tempo training run and finished in 25:25, so 5:05 pace. Certainly worked up a sweat but the opening laps were quite easy, I picked up a bit over the last 4 laps and even managed a bit of kick at the end (thanks to the long legs inherited from dad!) so I am sure I will get to that 22 minutes eventually. Oh and thanks to TB and Rogo for joining me on the last 2 laps - and lapping me a few times ;-)


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