
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

10.7 Km today - 20.8 Km this week

Training Plan - 10 Km at 6:00 pace Actual - 10.7 Km at 5:30 pace I think 6:00/Km pace is too slow for me, 5:30 is a comfortable slow training pace for me. Unless I am running one of Rogo's "slightly undulating" hill courses, then the pace per Km does tend to be higher ;-). 20.8 Km over 2 days, that used to be my weekly distance on the tready (5Km over 4 days). I was unsure on whether or not entering a 10Km at the end of May would be a good idea or if it would set back the half marathon training. So I sought the endless wisdom of the Ausrunner forum and the response was overwhelmingly positive, and there was some great advice in there as well, as per. So 28 May in Williamstown will be my 2nd crack at 10Km in under 50 minutes (oh such modest goals), I am excited and nervous now, especially as everyone knows what my goal is, yikes! A little bit of negativity crept into my mind today on my run - "who do you think you are?", "you will never be able to maintain a sub 5:00 pace for any decent distance", "just stick to jogging for exercise, bugger this racing caper" - Grrrrrrrr, shut up little negativity demon, I am not interested in anything you have to say. Guess I can't be Pollyanna all the time. Time for a shower and good long chat with myself. Oh yeah, another Pilates class at lunch time, I think I am getting the hang of it now and no cramping the legs today. PS - thanks for the kind comments on yesterday's post, I just need to learn to ignore the negative comments. Or maybe start throwing some back, "oh gee, you're looking a bit porky these day" ;-)


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Sri Chinmoy! Yay - I'm looking forward to the pancakes ;)

Well, if I can set a goal of 55min, you can do 50min! My normal pace is 6:00, so I'll need to work hard to achieve my goal, I'm thinking that this is where all of Rogo's hill work will pay off for us. I have also talking one of the Ausrunners into pacing me, maybe you can do the same if you think you need the help (which I don't think you do).


Blogger Unknown said...

That 5min per k won't be a problem at
all for you soon. Your going great
guns now just keep the mileage right
up there (slowly increasing)and maybe
pay a few more visits to Croydon Aths
for your speedwork.




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