
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Sunday, April 23, 2006

12.75 Km today - 58.9 Km for the week

Well the training plan had me scheduled for a 20Km run today, however one thing I have learned is that training programs need to be adaptable and the quality of the workout needs to be considered. And in my book 12.75 Kms, where probably a good 7 Km was a steady climb counts as a high quality workout. I almost feel like a beginner again, well I am still a beginner but I remembered what it was like 4 months ago when I could barely get thru a 5Km run. There was alot of stopping to walk up the hills, I set myself very mini goals, just to the next big tree there, then I can walk a bit, OK, start up again and so on. I decided at the start of this month that one of my goals was to get some variety into the training and get out of the comfort zone I had found, that is, to let it hurt a bit!!! It was a daunting run because I didn't know what was going to be around the next corner (apart from more bloody hills) I believe next time will be easier (easier, not easy, and note next time, I have not been put off). Also there were some abdominal cramps early on - women's issues as my mother used to say ;-), which were quite nasty, however, hand me the Nobel Prize for science as I have discovered that the cure for cramping is not Nurofen, it is running up hills on bush tracks, why, because it bloody hurts more!!! Once that was sorted I was fine, though just quietly there was an unpleasant 10 minutes there were I thought I would break down. The old me would have just sooked off back to the car, but even after only 4 months I have become not just physically stronger but mentally as well. A rather pleasant surprise too was when we got back to the car I wasn't hanging out to stop. Of course Rogo was bounding up the track like he had springs in his legs and Roy & Rogo probably covered a further 2 Kms at least as they would hit the top of a hill and double back to the rest of us and tackle the hill again. I saw a few lyrebirds on the track too which was kinda cool, and there was lots of mist through the trees, we are so lucky to have such amazing places to run so close to where we live, I am a bit of a sucker for the aussie bush. There was a bush walk planned for this afternoon but J had a tension headache. He was in a bad car accident in the Navy and the injuries he received still haunt him from time to time. Not to worry we have organised to meet some friends in Olinda on Tuesday afternoon instead, the weather will be much nicer then as well. 70 days to the GC half marathon, I close my eyes and imagine crossing the line and the clock says 1:59:00 or less ;-) Every time I tackle one of these long runs, no matter how painful it is instead of being put off it just makes me more determined, I wonder where the hell this determination and stubbornness has come from, I used to give up so easily when I was younger. Rest day tomorrow, then back into it Tuesday with a big day, 10Km in the morning, off to a 3 year olds birthday then the bushwalk.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Awesome work today Em - you are gonna kick it in your run at GC ;)

It's funny, I was really quite nervous at the thought of all those hills today, but my attitude just seems to have totally changed and I now look forward to the challenge knowing that it'll just make me stronger! You are so right about the "old me" thing, now sooking and turning around just isn't an option that enters my head....wow, I wonder what happened to change that?

Bring it on I say!


Blogger Em said...

Just a bit of girl power babe :-)



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