
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, April 21, 2006

11.4 today - 38.1 Km this week & good to see Angel back

10 Km planned for today, ended up with 11.4 Km. I have taken to running after work this week, just for some variety and to avoid the coldest part of the day. I drove in the last 2 days and parked at Fed Square so instead of running from the office to The Tan I took a different route. Out from Fed Square, right into Flinders St, the right into Batman ave and thru Birrarung Marr and up to Morrel Bridge and on to The Tan. I was happy to see yesterday that Angel has come out of storage after over 6 years and found a home again. I managed to find a picture to post, but it does not show the whole sculpture which is a shame. It looks lovely by the Yarra, better than outside the Gallery because you can see it all the way around. I really enjoyed my run this afternoon and truly the running gods were smiling on me because I started off at about 16:15 after chucking my bags in the car and went for just over an hour, perfect clear sky the whole way. I stopped short of the car park by about 500 meters to cool down, paid for the car park, hopped in the car and the heavens opened and it just chucked it down all the way home. I suppose I better talk about the run. I had an easy 10Km scheduled for today, went for 11.4 Km in about 62 minutes. Generally kept to about 5:30 pace with a couple of sub 5:00 Ks as well. Felt very comfortable and relaxed, again paying attention to form and keeping the stride long. I am trying to break my little cliff young shuffle run habit, which was born out of my early days when it was just easier for me to get through a run that way.


Blogger Em said...

I thought I could tuff it through the cold mornings, but maybe not.

I am lucky that my boss is pretty flex, so I can start work at 07:00 and finish by 16:00 and head out for a run before going home.

Had 3 afternoon runs this week & felt stronger, probably because I have eaten well all day.

Def better to avoid the CBD my office is in Collins St and PM it is just a useless obsticle course.


Blogger Jaykay said...

Wish I could run later, rather than having to get up at 5.30am to run....love that Cliffy shuffle - lol!!



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