
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Sunday, April 02, 2006

23.5 Km today!!!! - weekly total 63.8 Km

Check it out, that is 23.5 Km, in one go, the longest time on my feet yet and the highest mileage week yet as well. Feeling pretty good, just generally achey and tired but nothing serious. I have been traveling along so nicely since I started running seriously 4 months ago I keep waiting for the wheels to fall off (touch wood). I seem to have a pretty functional build so here's hoping the body keeps holding up. Had a great run today, Tony, Michelle and JayKay picked me up and we headed down to meet some Coolrunners in Williamstown for a change of scenery. Was a nice flat course but was all on pavement so I will probably feel it a bit more today, it was also a bit windy in parts. But if I am to run races they will all be on pavement so may as well get used to it. I had wheatbix before the run and had no tummy issues, so that could be a good bet before racing, I'll give the porridge a go before the next long run (I LOVE porridge so that will be no hardship). I have put a picture up on my blog now. I ummed and ahed about it for a while for a couple of reasons, one being I hate having my photo taken & I can count the number of recent photo's taken of me on one hand and the other being, I hate having my photo taken :-(. But the other day I happened upon the one I put up, it was taken last year at one of my favorite places in Oz, Trinity Beach in Cairns and I remember being very relaxed and happy at the time & I had finally figured out how to use the self timer on the camera. I absolutely love far north queensland, it is my "find a happy place" place. My baby brother is turning 16 in a couple of days so we are having a family dinner out tonight at our favorite Vietnamese place. I have already mentally ordered my meal!! It is a special birthday because Rhys is turning 16 and he is 16 years younger than me. I guess I should stop calling him baby brother though, now that he is close to 6 feet tall and can pick me up when he hugs me! But to me he will always be the little rug rat in a pram that everyone thought was mine, my poor mother got so sick of telling people that she was not his grandmother as much I got sick of the disapproving looks.


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