
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Easy 5Km today - 40.3 Km for the week and a bit of a Rant

Just an easy 5Km today, about 5:20 pace, took about 27 minutes. It occurred to me that after a slower week last week I should have rested today ahead of a long run tomorrow so I just headed out for an easy one. Will hopefully manage about 25Km tomorrow which will give me about 65Km for the week, the longest yet. I have a 30th this afternoon (the birthday girl has 2 small kids so her days of long nights out are over), I am looking forward to treating myself to a glass or 2 of red, especially after last weeks abstinence. Weigh in this morning has me at 59.7 Kg and 22.7% body fat, I am aiming to get the BF below 20%, it was 24% 2 months ago so I am getting there, slowly. I have been more diligent with what I eat over the last month or so. Almost no alcohol, only occasional choccie treats, no cheese at all, low fat dairy products, no butter, etc etc, just sensible eating. But right now I could murder a packet of tasty jacks potato chips!!! As I type this I am watching Supersize Me. The dazzling array of garbage those americans have at their disposal is INSANE!!!! I am stunned, amazed, gobsmacked, etc etc that a person could get themself to a point where gastric banding surgery is the only option for weight loss. I understand that in many circumstances there are serious socio economic reasons for these problems and I don't intend to write an essay here. But on the whole I find this obesity epidemic we are having here in the west deeply deeply disturbing, for most people, there really is no excuse. What the hell happened to personal accountability. I was subjected to just as much pressured advertising from the likes of Maccca's as a child, but my parents just used to say NO. Simple as that really, "no you can't have McDonalds", no argument, end of story, off home for a salad roll. Mum even used to pack a lunch when Dad took us to the football (ahh, good old Waverly Park), but grandad used to buy my brother and I a bucket of chips while he had a pot at the bar :-) and of course we loved him for that. Well, that was a nice little rant wasn't it.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Em, I couldn't agree with you more. My Mum never let us eat Macca's as kids. Chocolate, etc was just for treats. I think a lot of parents are just slack these days and give in the kids just to shut them up.....



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