
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

8 Km today - this week 13Km

Wow, I was getting so used to dark mornings I kept getting the feeling today that I was hideously late because the sun was already up when I got started. That probably contributed to me running a pretty fast 8K this morning, faster than I should for a training run anyhow, so I will redeem myself and call it a tempo run. God it is cold this afternoon, I have a feeling that tomorrow morning is going to be a real test of my mettle, Brrrrrrrr. Got the Sri Chinmoy results from the 26th today. There were 46 girlies in the 10Km and I came 19th, pretty happy with that. My official time was 50:43 and I am confident I can come in under that on 28.05 in Williamstown as it is another flat course (though as for the weather on the day, who knows). The good thing about being a beginner is that it is easy to improve. Have been feeling a bit lightheaded of late, was particularly bad on the run this morning. Might have to head back to the Doc for another blood pressure reading, though it was normal last time and the GP I see is next to useless. I don't think I am eating enough either, I am tired alot, the biggest problem is dinner, I get home from work and just can not be stuffed and end up with baked beans on toast more often than not, VERY BAD and I always wake up absolutely starving. Ughhh, no ranting today, am going to retire to the couch under a big warm blanket.


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