
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, April 28, 2006

Ever seen Marathon Man?

I hate going to the dentist, nothing fills me with more horror (apart from the spider scene in Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark) than my 6 monthly check up. Of course it always ends up no where near as bad as the images conjured up by my over active imagination. 30 minutes in the surgery, a couple of X-Rays (hey, why do you guys get to leave the room?) and a teeth clean later and it is all over, no cavities again. Mind you I don't even like having my teeth cleaned, I always end up clenching my hands together so hard I draw blood, the dentist thinks I am nuts. Now for the running - Today 10.2 Km This week 42 Km Training Plan - 10 Km at 6:00 Actual - 10.2 Km at 5:34. Basically a medium paced run, 2 laps of the tan from Fed Square. The first lap up Anderson St was the steady plod, but on the second lap I thought I would try something different, I sprinted up in 3 blocks with 2 30 second standing recoveries. Now the mileage is starting to build. It used to be that my standard hit out was 5Km with maybe 1 or 2 8Km runs in the week. Then the standard was 8Km with a 10Km at least once. Now 10Km has become the standard distance, that means with 4 runs already this week I am up over 42 Km for the week. This week will end up being my highest mileage week ever. Fortunately I have managed to find a massage therapist and I am very very much looking forward to my first appointment next Wednesday, I think I will need it by then. Getting serious now! Hungry all the time as well.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Aaaah - you seeing CV? I booked for next friday then had to cancel :( Am looking forward to when I can go though!


Blogger Jaykay said...

I'd like to have one after the GTR. Can you let us know what CV was like? Thanks tons!



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