
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Back into it Today

Training Plan - 11 Km at 6:00 Actual - 11.09 Km at 5:27 Weekly Total - 11.09 Km Days to GC Half - 54 Knew I had to work back a bit this afternoon so I ran this morning, knowing that I would not make it to Masters tonite, and now it is raining outside so probably for the best. Got around the tan twice this morning, struggled a wee bit. I have not been having the Sustegen every day so I will get back into that tomorrow morning at breakfast. Pilates at lunch time, another 1:3 session so I got lots of attention, it is coming along nicely and I am getting more variety into the exercises and heaps of great stretching advice. The true extent of my madness is starting to show itself :-). I have had a bit of an idea lurking in the back of my mind, perhaps best described as a desire to do something truly extraordinary. I love stories of ordinary people achieving amazing things, and am fascinated with the idea of testing my limitations. So, an insightful reader may have guessed where this is heading.......why not do an Ultra? WHY do one I am sure I will hear many people shouting. Well I am an ordinary person, why can't I do something extraordinary?? Now this is not something I am not going to do this year, or even next year, but I expect I may be having a crack sometime in 2008, goodness, I will be 34. I have a target in mind, but I won't get into divulging that yet. Let's just say that it will be an extremely personal journey for me and will honour someone for whom I had an enormous amount of respect. Now must dash, they are coming to fit me for my new straight jacket soon.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

Em, a personal journey is a great way to experience life, but OMG don't you know we (that is the normal people), will have to call you an 'Ultra Nut'.



Blogger Em said...

I know - but I have said it before.......

Give me the long distance over the short any day!

You sprinters, phew, I can't do it


Blogger Unknown said...

Go for it - live the dream!
I'm looking for one myself




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