
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Long Run today

Training Plan: 21 Km at 6:00

Actual: 23.3 Km at 5:45 Avg

Weekly Total: 66.5 Km

Days to GC Half: 57

Had a great long run today with Michelle as neither of us have entered the Great Train Race. We ran on a great path that followed the eastern freeway, but it had park to one side with lot's of trees so it was a lovely place to run.

We eased into it with a couple of 6:00 min Ks and then soon stepped up to between 5:20 and 5:40 from about 11 Km to the finish, all up gave us a 5:45 average pace, perfect for a LSD run.

A real high point is that we passed the half marathon distance in about 2:01:07 which was very pleasing. At one point we passed some guys going in the other direction who told us that if we were talking we were not running hard enough, au contraire fellas, it was a training run, the whole point is that we can talk!!!

As you will see from the picture above I have finally ended my long search for a decent compression top. I found a great shop in Glenferrie Road, 2XU, full of great running gear. Finally a shop with decent gear for women. The top I bought is designed for Triathletes, but they run! This may be "too much information" territory, but since I have lost quite a bit of weight I can no longer find a sports bra to fit, they don't go smaller than A cup (egg cup perhaps), so I am so glad I have finally found a good crop top.

Oh and mood from yesterday has improved quite a bit, just a blip really, sometimes things get on top of me and I need to have a good self indulgent sulk for an evening.


Blogger Jaykay said...

Hope you're feeling much better now Em.

And it's amazing you even got a word in edgeways with Michelle...she can talk the hind leg off a dog :0


Blogger Em said...

Perked right up - gotta love endorphins.

She does love a chat, helped the time fly by :-)


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow! That's a very solid run today.
I'll have to try out that route soon
so i have a few more options.
Well done Em!



Blogger Crissyjt said...

Well done em. i am so new to the 'blog' thing but am very much enjoying reading about others thoughts/training etc. And as far as your goal of running the half under 2hrs goes, you are going to cruise it in. You run way faster than i do, and i was not far off that time. good luck and am looking forward to reading about your progress.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Great run Em!

Seeing as you are not doing the GO, you wanna come for a long run with me that weekend???



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