
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, May 08, 2006

Monday is Rest Day

Training Plan - Rest Actual - Rest Days to GC Half - 55 blah, blah, blah, the requisite rest day. Didn't even do yoga today. Only exercise was the walk to the supermarket for dinner groceries. I am making more of an effort to eat right now, especially as I would like to lose a few more Kgs. I am going to make a fritatta with mushrooms and zucchini (Yum). My brother trained as a pastry chef so I e-mailed him a challenge today, an extremely indulgent and sinful desert for the night of the 2nd of July. Not fussed what it is, have left it up to him, the only condition is that it contains as many Kjs as is humanly possible :-) Still, got to sleep in to 5:45 this morning, total luxury on a Monday. Entered the 10Km event at Williamstown on 28 May, reasonably confident of a sub 50 minute time. This will be a lower mileage week, probably only about 65Km. The training plan called for a 10Km rather than a long run this Sunday, so I will be doing an 8Km race instead, I won't bother tapering this week though, still would like to keep the mileage above 60Km.


Blogger Jaykay said...

ONLY 65km this week Em??? :o)



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