
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, June 09, 2006

Looking to the future

training Plan - 11 Km at 6:00 Actual - 9 Km at 5:32 Weekly Total - 48 km I was going to do 11 Km today, however I was a bit tired after yesterday's session. Rather than heading to a trail I decided to be less regimented and just do a big loop around the block (had the day off work today). Basically a squarish course along the major roads that enclose my part of the world, Canterbury rd, Middleborough rd, Burwood rd and Blackburn rd. Rather than worrying about the distance I just decided to run it, it also takes in some short sharp hills and turned out to be just about 9kms. I ran it because before I started running outdoors I used to think, Hmmm, I should do that big loop around the block, then I drove it one day and thought, naaaa, I'll never make it that far, so in way I did it to prove that I can. Anyway, I over ran a few times this week so it all works out in the end. Though I will be missing out on one extra 11Km run this week as I am off on a Rogaine on Sunday, though 6 hours through the bush will still be a good cardio work out. I am going to head out for my long run tomorrow, probably about 20/22 Kms. Now, why the obscure title?? A running friend, Rogo, asked me earlier in the week if I had checked the Sri Chinmoy results from the 28th to see how I would have placed if I had have run my goal time of 45 minutes. I did check quickly at the time and had a vague recollection that I might have gained a category placing. Well, I just checked again this afternoon and I can confirm that a 45 minute finish would have given me a category placing of 3rd, which would have meant a nice little bit of bling. The 3rd placed 18-39 female finished in 46:11, 2nd finished in 43:35, it would have been a 6th placing overall for the women. incidentally there were a couple of women in older categories that totally kicked my butt (40-49, 50-59 and 60-69), so that gives me heart for the future, looks like I'll be at this for a while. It also validates something that I have read in several publications that it takes 7 to 10 years of training for a distance athlete to reach their full potential. Now don't worry people I have not taken total leave of my senses, I do realise that when/if I get around to joining a club and I run in AV events that I will only be running for myself and that placings are not a reality. But with these Sri Chinmoy events it is looking like a possibility one day down the track and will certainly provide ongoing motivation. The 10Km I did on 26/3 earned me a category finish of 13th, on 28/5 I earned a category finish of 10th, so hopefully I keep moving in an upward trajectory :-) Alright - I just deleted that last paragraph, I was having a bitch but took it back. Those who know, know, I felt better just writing it even if I wasn't going to post it.


Blogger Vicky said...

Agree with the other comments Em, re your goal. Personally I doubt the McMillan prediction will be far off, but understand you wanting to be conservative (don't want to set yourself up for disappointment) while still wanting to challenge yourself (thats what its all about after all). At the end of the day, its your first event at this distance, so whatever time you do, it will be satisfying and a PB. But the better you do, the sweeter the aftermath! Go Em!


Blogger Unknown said...

That's a great way of thinking Em, you
will only get better and better as the
years go by if you stick at it. There
are a few women at Knox who kick my
butt in distance races and some of them are quite a bit older than me!
Actually come to think of it, one of
them was in an older category at Willi
in the 110k and ran about a 45 i think.



Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry that should read 10k in the previous post



Blogger Stu Mac said...

Well done Em listening to your body, very important and of course this keeps you just behind me too, you have been ahead of me for too many months. You 94, me 98... :-)

Only jokes, keep it up and it was only today I told Clarkey I could see you running 10km in 42 minutes within the next 24 months! (no jokes).

A girl in my club (30 this year) ran mid 37s, 2 years ago she broke 40 minutes for the first time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's my type of training session, "how do I feel" which will dictate there and then what type of run to have, if any.



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