
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, June 12, 2006

Rest Day - well earned

Training Plan - Rest Actual - Rest Plan for the week: Monday - Rest Tuesday - 13 Km easy Wednesday - 13 Km easy Thursday - 16 Km speedwork. 5 x 1600 at 4:40-4:50 with recovery of 1km between. Friday - 11 Km easy Saturday - 11 Km Fartlek Sunday - Long Run. 20 to 23 Km Weekly Total - about 84 Km This will be the biggest week before the taper begins. The count down is one now with 3 Weeks to go and lot's of thoughts running through my mind. Picked out my race day kit, as per the photo here (looking like a bit of a Nike tart me thinks). The anticipation is building, along with an underlying feeling of raw naked fear :-) Have started thinking about my previous racing experiences. The first 5 k'er, got to 3 Kms and thought, oh god, what the hell am I doing?, the first 8 k'er, got past 5 SMS and thought, oh god, why didn't I enter the 4 Km?, first 10 k'er, got to 6 SMS and thought, oh god, why didn't I enter the 5 Km? Well, I am sure you get the gist, so of course I am now starting to think, will I get to the 15 Km mark and think WTF do I think I am doing out here, why didn't I just have another crack at the 10Km?? Not too mention all the other thoughts, have I done enough? Did I start too fast? Should I have a drink at 10Km, is it worth it as most will end up down my front? Should I have made more of an effort to lost a bit more weight? Well, shoulda, coulda, woulda really, because none of this will make a difference on race day will it. My last 2 races have been great however, really confident going in and no negative "why am I doing this crap during the runs" so I just need to hold onto that and know that I have done the work. Really tired still today after a pretty demanding couple of days, so for once I am enjoying just taking it easy and not running. Just doing the house work (yuck) in between stints on the couch just vegging out. Oh, and how could I forget, got some great news yesterday!!! I am going to be an Aunty Em, my younger brother rang yesterday to tell me that his fiance was pregnant, he is very excited, I am thrilled at the prospect of being an Aunty!!! This is what I was faced with this afternoon when I went to put some clothes in the dryer - For a brief moment I wondered if he would come out all fluffly like the cat in the cartoon if I turned the dryer on, then I realised the RSPCA would probably frown on such behavior (people, please, I am joking).. This is Asterix, the worlds most badly behaved Russian Blue.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

I have left comments on the forum re your race plan. But lets get this right, there are no negative thoughts!!!! You have done the work, there is no reason to think you will start to quick and yes I would have something to drink at 10k, remember the weather will be different!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoy your rest day and ditto to Stu's comments.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Oooh, whada cute liddle puddin' :-)

I had a cuddle with CV's kitty today - he's gorgeous too..... I'm still chuckling at your comment lasy night "We're cat people!" lol, can you tell we are tired and cranky???

Vegging on the couch sounds like the best way to go!


Blogger Unknown said...

Up there i'd be drinking at every
opportunity and well before you get to
10k also. Remember if you feel like
you need a drink - it's too late!
Hope you have a great run.



Blogger Vicky said...

Love the look of your race day outfit (very important!) and good to have it sorted out well in advance. I love Nike gear too, its my favourite by far. Squash any doubts in your mind that you have not done enough training as you definately have, but the first time over a new (race) distance will always cause uncertainty. Know that this is normal and use it to spur yourself on. You are going to feel so proud of yourself afterwards, so focus on that. Love the pic of Asterix, very cute! My cat Bungie also likes to check out the clothes dryer!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny you mention your russian blue is badly behaved ... i have a russian blue X feral, and i think he's the devil reincarnated! And i do have the scars to prove it. Anyway, good luck with your training ... i'm sure you'll do fantastic on the day.


Blogger RunDave said...

We used to have a Russian blue that got into the dryer without anyone noticing and my mum switched it on. She heard something thudding in there so switched it off and opened the door to find a very frazzled cat (named Rosie btw, as in Rosie Red, opposite of blue). This cat also liked to sleep in the engine bay of the car overnight. One morning, my mum switched the car on and it wouldn't turn over properly and there was a loud screech. She opened the bonnet and out climbed a very cut up cat. She survived both incidents without any lasting injuries. I guess she just liked warm places.



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