
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Speed Demon

Training Plan - 13Km including warm/cool and 9.5 km at 5:10 Actual - 13 Km, well see below for the rest Weekly Total - 39 Km Well, yesterday's session was pretty much what today's was supposed to be. So today I was feeling like I didn't really want to have such a structured session. I did 13Km pretty much exactly in 66 minutes with an over all average pace of 5:04. Rather than running around the tan a few times instead I headed up along the yarra to Morrel Bridge and then turned towards Richmond and headed back towards the tan on the footpath. I decided to take this as a Fartlek session so a nice straight footpath was perfect for some faster stuff. I did some 400 metre bursts of about 4:15/4:20 pace, then backed off to 4:40/4:50 and held that for almost the whole 13Km. Once I got back onto the tan I kept the tempo pace and also sprinted Anderson Street, albeit in 2 sections with a quick standing recovery, talk about burning legs! I jumped off the tan track in some parts and wound up around some of the inner paths, when back on the tan I used the light poles as guides and did some more sprinting, didn't pay much attention to distance just ran as hard as I could for as long as I could then backed off again for a floating recovery. So some pretty free form speed work tonight but quite enjoyable all the same. I was feeling sorry for myself at the start, having some negative body image issues, just stupid stuff like "oh why wasn't I born all petite and delicate, why do I have such a clumsy awkward body?" blah blah blah, I am strong and healthy stop whining!! But once I got going I blew the nasty negative thoughts away. I plugged my recent 10Km race time into Mr McMillans Calculator today, then generous soul has given me a predicted half marathon time of 1:47:11, what a sweetie!! I have kept saying I am aiming for a 2 hour finish, but I may as well 'fess up to my real goal, I am aiming for 1:50:00 but wouldn't be devastated with 1:55:00 - well, 24 days to go and the goal is out there now!


Blogger Unknown said...

WOW - You sure do train fast! I don't
know how you keep going at that pace
for so long in a solo training run?
You must recover very well. It's great to see someone who is going so
well. You will fly through your half
very easily i'm sure! All the best.



Blogger Crissyjt said...

Yes Em i was wondering when your 'real' goal was going to be outted. You are coming ahead in leaps and bounds! And i can't wait to see how much you are going to blow your estimates away.
Keep it up.


Blogger Stu Mac said...

1h 50m, well I already knew that!!!

Good sess Em, keep it up, keep checking the overall plan, look at your previous weeks and weeks which are up and coming, I mean make sure you are still close to the plan, not doing to much or to little.

Get ready for the taper soon and I bet that will be a hard period for you, doing so little, but STICK to the plan!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great session. I'm sure you'll well and truly break 1:50



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