
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Monday, September 11, 2006

Guinea Pig Duties

None today, I had my first round of testing (see below) for the ASICS runners study, I am also resting a niggly right achilles

So I fronted up for my first round of testing today, first time I have ever been a guinea pig. The 3 Physio's were lovely and made me feel very much at ease. Lot's of interesting things to do "running" on a tready for 6 minutes @ 6 min/km, very weird because I haven't been on one for so long and I felt very unco, especially with all the wires stuck to my legs. It took me a minute to hit my stride but even then I kept running into the barrier at the front as I tried to run off the treadmill :-) Then I had to hop up and down on one leg, they assure me there was a point to it other than for their own amusement, oh and I never want to see footage of myself from behind again, especially while hopping! Then they put pressure down on my knee and I had to push up against it while a ultrasound was taken of my poor achilles. Because it had been bothering me yesterday I was half expecting a gasp of horror as the ultrasound image came up, but nope they told me that Mr Achilles was looking pretty good and performing as he should. While this was going on I was chatting with one of the physio's about my running, I mentioned I ran 26km yesterday and I thnk he thought I said "last week" because a moment later he said, "what! in one go!" LOL

We also talked about the pressure running puts on the body, apparently when your foot strikes the groud you are putting about 6 times your body weight worth of force down!! I just laughed and said "well, us runners keep you guys in business"

Finally I had to give a little bit of blood, not really an issue for me as long as I don't look. The girl who took the blood said, "right I am telling your this for legal reasons, you shouldn't run for up to 48 hours after this, but I know you will so don't freak out if you get a bit of a bruise around where the needle went in, that's normal"

The only annoying bit was I had to get weighed :-( something I have been avoiding lately because of the mood it puts me in, so, naturally I am now in a grump! Why oh why am I so cursed? I really wish I could just be happy with myself the way I am, but no, I have to pick myself apart at the seams. Sorry I am totally neurotic, you know that by now, I simply can't be told.


Blogger Spark Driver said...

Getting jabbed by a needle and hopping on one leg has got to be worth a heap of free Asics stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All that was missing was the funny walk and then we would have known you were taking part in a Monty Python skit.


Blogger Sekhmet said...

Tready grrrrrrrrrr. I actually think it's waaaaaay harder to run on a ready than outside - I actually find I have to go SLOWER on the tready for some reason. I hate it and even 1k would be too hard to do.

I agree with Sparks, a whole heap of freebie Asics stuff would be good - especially some of the singlets, I was looking at them in Rebel the other day and they are really quite spiffy


Blogger Vicky said...

Thanks Em! Just catching up on your posts and I have to say, you've just given me my first two laughs of the week (its almost 5pm on Tues.) Apart from this post about you hopping about, having to watch your own footage, etc. the one about the kid with the lolly bag just cracked me up! Poor you! But believe me, they're not all that bad! Good on you for helping out anyway. You're certainly doing plenty of milage, hope the little niggles disappear soon.



Blogger Ruune said...

Gosh I was more freaked out about getting my heigh measured. I mean, I know how much I weigh but I have always liked to convince myself I am a couple of cms taller than it turns out I actually am. Bugger.



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