
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Friday, September 15, 2006

It was either that or kill someone..........

Redemption!!!! I had the run today that I was supposed to have yesterday. 13Km in 1:06:11, average pace 5:05. I settled in for 6 Kms or so then I was feeling pretty good so thought I would try and up the pace somewhat, so from the 7th Km on it looked like this, 4:54, 4:41, 4:56, 5:08, 4:50, 4:48 and 4:46. What a relief and a confidence booster, it was like I had a different set of legs today. My half marathon race pack arrived today, 3137, I am coming up in the world, my GC number was 4342. I love getting the race pack, the countdown is really on now.

The good run probably stemmed from a frustrating day at the office, a long and boring tale for those who are not in the line of work I am. Suffice it to say, I am very far from perfect myself but my biggest frustration is dealing with people who do not work to the same standard that I do. In fact I heard a great description of anger the other day, it was something like, the feeling of dissapointment when something does not live up to your expectations. I take pride in my job and I get a little crazy when other people that you reley on do not meet you half way, particlarly when people who are supposed to be on call can not be raised and when you do get ahold of them they say it was because the credit ran out on their phone. Let's just say a quiet sort of calm came over me at that point, probably the same calm a serial killer feels before they.........well, I was mad but it would have been pointless yelling at the guy!

Anyway, it was just one of those frustrating days and at about 2pm I caved in to emotional eating and ended up with a bag of Haigs choccie freckles, basically it was either the chocolate or kill someone! But I didn't eat them all, I only had a few, just enough to take the edge off.

Politics, so Johnny Boy wants to put in place some sort of charter of "Australian Values" for potential citizens to sign up to. Hmmmm, and just what will these values be and who is going to decide what they are?? More pressingly what will my position as a citizen be should I not agree with said values, will I be asked to leave the country? Where will I go?


Blogger Boston said...

Em - I have so many of those frustrating days that I am used to them. Amazing that people sometimes put too much energy into complaining and telling you why something cannot be done when they could simply put their energy to solve them and get on with the job!


Blogger Clarkey said...

Australian values.....I reckon if we wind the clock back even 20yrs, the Aussie values would have been a whole lot clearer. My biggest issue is with 'new Aussies' who basically refuse to even attempt to be a part of what Australia has been and should continue to be. Those who have move here physically but not emotionally.

BTW - a good run!! A good base for a 99min HM!!


Blogger Jaykay said...

I've never been into politics and still find the whole subject totally boring. (sorry!) I know I should take more of an interest but I just tend to put my head in the sand and ignore it all.

I do however agree with Clarkey about the new Aussies!


Blogger Vicky said...

Come to NZ, Em!!
Our govt seems to be more than happy to take people here - values or not!

Not that I am suggesting for a minute that you don't have them of course!!

Can totally relate to the frustrating work dramas...

But it does help fuel a good run!




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