
"The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.........behind the lines, in the gym, and out there on the road, long before I dance under those lights." Muhammad Ali

Thursday, November 23, 2006

On yer bike

Decided on one more rest day. The foot felt about 90% better today but I decided to err on the side of caution and not run today. By God this level headed mature approach to my running health is just a little bit scary folks. Yes it pisses me off that I have had to miss two days, but better two days rest than two days of shit runs and I have a 4km race on Sunday that I really don't want to miss.

So today's exercise consisted of another 60 minutes on the exercise bike with the News to distract me. I did rolling hills today, 26km again but worked a bit harder. It's funny on the bike, I still work up a sweat and the heart rate was sitting at about 75% to 85% but no huffing and puffing like with running.

Some more ice massage on the foot tonight and it's looking good for a run first thing tomorrow morning because I have a BBQ tomorrow night. Nothing fancy planned for the run, just an easy 10km ahead of Sunday's race.

I cracked up last night watching the news as "Our Mary" arrived back home in Hobart to visit family. Fellow passengers were interviewed and one woman said "I can't believe she was one the plane, just sitting there!" Seriously lady, did you expect her to Teleport from Melbourne to Hobart? Does she have some sort of Royal secret powers the rest of us don't? A few years ago she was late paying her bills, running around the supermarket trying to finish the shopping and getting pissed with her mates just like the rest of us, get over it.

Day 1 of the first Test today, Australia finished the day on 3/346, couldn't have asked for a better start. I love this time of year, never short for a Cricket score around my office, at any given time someone will be shouting out an update, and of course there is the great big TV in the lunch room. Now if I only I can get a LAN port patched in there........


Blogger Vicky said...

Glad that the foot is alot better and impressed at your restraint!
Don't know how you can stand an hour on the stationery bike tho... even with something to watch!

Our Mary? "Cuse my ignorance...!



Blogger Ewen said...

Good luck on Sunday Em. Hope the foot is OK and doesn't turn into the dreaded PF.



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